



Born in 1976 in Seoul Korea, Hyukjin Shin studied both metallurgical engineering and music composition in Yonsei University (BMus). He continued his musical study in the University of Queensland, in Australia, where he acquired his master degree (MPhil) in composition. In the United States, he kept pursuing his study in the University of Michigan receiving Doctoral Degree (DMA) in composition in 2010. During his study, the University of Queensland Orchestra performed his symphony No. 2 and the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra performed his Surviving Whisper for Orchestra, and his Piano Trio No. 2, which won the Percy Briar Memorial Prize in 2005, was performed in Customs House in Brisbane. 


After returning to Korea, he has been a manager of the general affairs of the Music Society of 21st Century Music, a secretariat director of Korean Composers Association, a member of Contemporary Music Society in Seoul, ISCM-Korea, Asian Composers League Korea and the Society of Music Composition and Research (SMCR) while his compositions have been performed in diverse music festivals in Seoul.


In 2012, his new orchestral piece, Kachisory(The Cry of Magpies), was premiered in ARKO Korean New Music Festival. He focuses on patterns and color in music while expressing his own sentiments and emotions. In 2014, he had his recital, titled as "Music and Inspiration", which was sponsored by ARKO. He is also an singer-songwriter who published a CD album How the Love Comes and had two concerts in 2016. In 2019, he published a CD album titled "Night Flight" with his eight chamber pieces. In 2021, he published another CD album titled "Farewell, thereafter" containing twelve songs of three Korean poets. 


Recently, he has been commissioned pieces by performers and various performers’ groups, such as Ethnic Pop Group ‘Project Rock’, Hwaeum Chamber Orchestra, Soriwool Ensemble. Since 2018, he has been a faculty member of Chonbuk National University. 



작곡가 신혁진



작곡가 신혁진은 1976 서울 태생으로 연세대학교 금속공학과를 중퇴, 같은 대학 음악대학 작곡과를 졸업하였다. 이후 호주 퀸즐랜드 대학교(The University of Queensland)에서 석사 학위(Mphil)미국 미시건 대학교(The University of Michigan)에서 박사 학위(DMA) 취득하였다


귀국  ()한국작곡가협회 행정이사, 21세기악회 사무총장을 역임하였으며창악회, ISCM-한국지부, ACL-한국지부 회원으로 다양한 국내외 음악제와 음악회를 통해 작품을 발표하고 있다. 2012 ARKO 창작음악제에서 관현악곡까치소리 발표하였으며, 같은 작품이 2014 체코 Janáček Philharmonic, 루마니아 Timișoara 오케스트라에 의해 각각 재연되었다


작곡 과정에서 영감과 작곡가 고유의 정서 표출을 중시하며, 패턴과 컬러에 집중하는 신혁진은 2014 한국문화예술위원회 후원을 통해 음악과 영감이라는 제목의 작곡발표회를 가졌다. 싱어송라이터이기도 그는 2015년에는 대중음악 음반인 사랑은 어떻게 오는가 발매하였으며, 2016년에 차례 콘서트를 가졌다. 2019년에는 "야간비행"이라는 타이틀로 총 여덟 작품의 창작 실내악을 수록한 CD 앨범을 발매하였다. 2021년에는 "이별, 그 후"라는 타이틀로 한국의 시인들의 가사를 담은 총 12개의 노래가 담긴 성악 앨범 CD를 발표하였다.  


최근에는 에스닉 밴드 프로젝트락, 화음쳄버오케스트라, 소리울앙상블, 프렌즈오브뮤직 등과 같은 연주 단체와 다양한 연주자들에게 작품을 위촉 받아 작품을 발표하고 있으며, 2018년부터는 전북대학교에 교수로 재직하고 있다